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The Ideal Life

Opportunities For today, Hope for the future.


Improving the wellBeing and mental health of children, youths, Adults, and their families.

IDEAL LIFE FOUNDATION was founded by Golda Mateki Martey. The name of the foundation was coined and solidified with the help of her 3 siblings, Samuel Mamah Martey, Joycelyn Matekor Martey, and Caleb Nii Korley Martey. 

Golda holds a Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology and She is a Certified Canadian Counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). She also holds a Masters Degree in Biblical Studies. She is a Child and Youth Mental Health Clinician by profession.

She is very passionate about the mental health and wellness of children, youths and their families. Golda has a broad range of experience working with children, teens and families with various mental health challenges in a clinical, residential, as well as recreational settings.

In her counselling work she found that therapeutic change was difficult when individuals and their families struggled to meet their basic physiological and physical needs such as food, clothing and a stable source of income. For low income families she found that their children struggled with low self esteem and peer dynamics issues such as bullying when their clothing were worn out as parents couldn’t afford new clothing.

She wanted families to reach their full potential and gain inner satisfaction by supporting them with the basic necessities and the fundamentals of life.

In her clinical work, she observed increased family discord and parentification of children which impacted mental health negatively. These factors were further maintained for families by their lack of working skills to obtain jobs and lack of opportunities to explore, nourish, and improve their creative skills and talents. 

She wanted to reach out of the counselling office, go into the community and support by providing food, clothing, education, recreation, and practical skill building classes to improve the mental, social, and occupational wellness of individuals.

She also has a passion to nourish the spiritual lives of individuals, thereby creating an Ideal Life. 

Golda Martey, MCP, CCC



Where is there is no vision the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18 

We dream of a world where every individual can meet their basic needs, thrive beyond these needs and have the opportunity to create an Ideal Life that brings satisfaction within themselves. 


Ideal Life Foundation provides the necessary skills and resources for children, teens, adults and their families to overcome poverty, increase opportunities for self development, and improve overall well-being. 


We create opportunities in the present moment to bring hope to individuals for their future and consequently creating a peaceful past. We follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and hold dear to our hearts the act of service and stewardship. We aim to serve individuals regardless of their faith, cultural, and ethnic background. 


But the greatest among you shall be your servant.” Matthew‬ ‭23:11‬



We value listening more and talking with wisdom. We value self confidence over pride. We seek to add value to others while honouring their own sense of autonomy. 

We believe people are the experts of their own lives. We value gratitude over being boastful. We choose to be at peace with everyone.

Love and Respect

We honour the rights, dignity and value of all individuals. We show everyone respect, love, and care. 

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 


With a global mindset we take strategic steps to enhance and transform the lives of the individuals and their families we work with. 

Accountability and integrity

We take responsibility for our actions. We choose honesty in all things. We are trustworthy in our actions and transactions. We operate by our vision and mission.

Team Approach

We celebrate and combine each individuals expertise to reach our shared goals. Our different roles, views, and skills compliment rather than contradict each other. 


We continually educate and challenge ourselves to provide relevant information within our scope of expertise to achieve the highest quality results.